

The latest news in ACC Claims, ACC Levies, Health & Safety, Wellness, and more

MyACC - access to claim info

MyACC Claims Tab

MyACC for Employers has been around for a few years now and allows you to update your details, check what you owe, and access claims reports anytime.  ACC has been investing a lot of your levies into MyACC as it allows for automation and self-service via online access, which in turn, means less investment in payroll.  We get it. 

For this blog we focus on the claims and this covers two tabs in your MyACC.  

  1. Recovery at Work: all current claims from current employees only

  2. Claims report: all historical claims including from past employees

Recovery at Work 

The recovery at work tab allows you to access all current information relating to a claim.  It’s quite useful until you want to challenge a claim.  This is something ACC doesn’t want to automate so be prepared to deal with a well-meaning staffer who has check lists to work through.  Statistics supports that most claims will not be removed from your profile unfortunately.  ACC has to be confident that your challenge to the claim is legitimate and fits within the legislation.  There are definitely do’s and don’ts on this which we cover in a E-Book. 

Everything with claims is driven by the medical certificate (med cert).  It is good to know that GP’s must follow a prescribed process as set out by the Medical Council.  In our experience,  a lot of med certs fall well short on this especially the bit where lighter / alternative duties can be considered.  Having a med cert that says ‘fully unfit’ should rarely happen unless the person is in hospital, then fair enough. 

We can challenge med certs and do so a lot.  We need GP’s to take ownership over subscribing these as there are massive implications on not only the worker, but also the employer. 

Claims Report 

This is a very useful report once you know what to look for.  The raw data ACC provides is great, but it needs to be manipulated to give useful information.  For now, what I can recommend you look at is the time delay between the date the accident is stated to have occurred and the date the worker went to get help. 

This for most blue-collar employers is very sobering as you can have time delays of double and triple digits even for things like a simple sprain.  We have seen a simple ankle sprain approved 290 days after the accident date… seriously?  Unfortunately, this is common but is something you can directly control. 

There is a lot you can do once you have the information.  You have access to all the information, and it is up to you to use it.   

We will be hosting a webinar on MyACC in the new year. If interested, email me and we’ll keep you posted. The plan is to dive into this detail and so much more. It's an absolute must for employers who care about their workers, who want to receive discounts on their ACC levies, and those who understand that having a productive workforce is good for your bottom line.

Marty Wouters