

The latest news in ACC Claims, ACC Levies, Health & Safety, Wellness, and more

Tech 5 Claims Management Case Study

Tech 5 approached ManageACC, a subsidiary of Manage Group to partner with them to help drive better outcomes in the ACC claims space.

Tech 5 is a national recruitment firm that focuses on providing labour hire in trades, construction, engineering, and manufacturing, amongst other industries.

 With a workforce covering hundreds of workers of various nationalities and a multi-branch network, a core requirement was for a consistent approach across all regions.

ManageACC commenced the partnership with Tech 5 by doing a deep dive into their existing practices and processes. This led to a series of recommendations that were positively received by Tech 5. The recommendations involved health & safety and incident reporting.

Underpinning the recommendations was a need for improved visibility and information covering claims and factors impacting claims.

Initiatives were introduced in this space with the Tech 5 Health & Safety Committee taking overall ownership. Several KPI’s were introduced by the Committee that covered incident reporting matching ACC reporting; the use of the 0800 triage line for all sprains, strains and discomforts; and the completion of appropriate onboarding documentation.

The triage function itself was rolled out and ManageACC receives copies of all incident reports. ManageACC reviews the injury and determines the rehabilitation pathway in consultation with the Tech 5 Risk Manager.

Underpinning the recommendations was a need for improved visibility and information covering claims and factors impacting claims.

All workers are required to contact the 0800 4 TRIAGE line for any sprain, strain or discomfort. A physio appointment will be booked anywhere in the country.

If a physical appointment cannot be set, a virtual appointment is set up. ManageACC will work with existing medical certificates and where required, obtain second opinions via their dedicated and qualified team.

Monthly touch points in both the ACC Claim Management and via the monthly Health & Safety Committee are held to drive both accountability and ensure all actions are completed and of course, documented. 

Where required, certain claims that meet the legislative criteria to be removed from Tech 5’s profile are managed by ManageACC via the formal review process. ManageACC, via their ACC Agency status manage all conversations with ACC on Tech 5’s behalf.

Over the course of the last four years, thanks to this collaborative partnership between Manage ACC and Tech 5, Tech 5’s ACC Experience Rating has reduced from a 20% loading to a 30% discount. The Return on Investment on the ACC savings alone has been in excess of 100% for each year. Operational savings are substantially larger.

Marty Wouters