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Long-COVID after 22 months

Who would have thought that back in October 2021, having just tested positive for the Delta variant, that it would still be kicking my toosh 22 months later.
Overall, the impact is no where near as bad as it was for the first 18 months as per my previous blogs. I would find myself sitting on the edge of my bed, staring into the abyss for an hour or two to have literally thought of nothing. Done nothing. No one home. Hellooooooo....???
What's the impact now?
* Still get the rash on my hands and other places when tired / stressed.
* Still get the stutter when tired / stressed.
* Memory can be a bit suspect at times.
* The odd random body pain / issue - lasts about 24 - 48 hours.
* Post exercise malaise.
The last one is interesting. By way of context, when I caught Covid, I had just competed at the world champs for coastal rowing so was pretty fit and accustomed to hard training sessions. This all but disappeared for a good 18 months. I am back training again (aiming for 2024 world champs) and now get the post exercise malaise. This is like my statement above re no one being home mentally or physically... so now I factor this in to my routine as in, after training have a sleep 😀. Seems to work well.
All first world problems I know right. That said, the journey to get to this point is only to real for a lot of people sadly.
I can really recommend this RNZ interview with Gez Medinger on Long-COVID. Ticked every box for me!

Marty Wouters