

The latest news in ACC Claims, ACC Levies, Health & Safety, Wellness, and more

How to lower your ACC levies - Case Study 2

Over the next few weeks we share with you a number of ways you can lower your ACC levies. This post is about removing claims from your profile. We share an actual case study.

Weekly comp days removed:

Interesting case where the employer admitted some liability towards the injury. The individual had multiple health issues as well which had no relationship to the injury yet the time off was accruing.

We formally challenged ACC’s decision making and upon reviewing the medical evidence, ACC’s doctor agreed that the employee’s expected recovery date had passed, and the additional days off could not be attributed to the original injury.

ACC removed 200 weekly compensation days as a result of our investigation.

Ok, so what does this mean on the ACC levies?

In this case, removing 200 days and the Medical Cost Claim (costs exceeding $500) resulted in a 20% reduction in the employers ACC bill for first year, and 10% for the second and third year.

We are talking about thousands of dollars and all of that for a modest consulting cost of $500.

It’s what we do.

0800 747 569 - have a chat with Sue.

Marty Wouters